2016-09-01 11:09:40 来源: 小记者秀 评论: 0 分享:
I joined the bilingual language student journalist team from China Daily and 61media.cn summer camp so that I think it was worthwhile for me to join it because I learned a lot of useful things.
At first I thought I could do everything as well as my parents do even without the help of theirs. But when I got on the train that was going to leave for Beijing,I felt so lonely because it was an alone trip for me in my heart.
Fortunately,I became friends with the others so that I felt less lonely.
The trip was so tired due to busy traveling here and there all the day but it's meaningful for everyone.
Actually,the other reason that I enjoyed the trip due to the fact that I earned a lot of knowledge that I never known.
I found that home is always protecting you from all the storms outside whenever where you are and it will be warm enough to milt the ice in your cold heart.
Now I am supposed to look forward to the next beautiful scenery in my trip of my life in the future.
中国日报&童新网双语学生记者“I'M HERE 现场报道”
来源|童新网 作者|房天蕊(哈尔滨市松北区实验中学九年级) 原题|The Trip To Beijing
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